The Inside Out Connection

This is a place where students are welcome to post their thoughts, ideas and inspirations about living their best life from the "Inside Out".

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Caribbean Breeze

I've been in Jamaican for the past six days and although enjoying myself completely there are times it gets so hot that I think I may melt into a puddle of Kate. This morning during breakfast, I experienced one of those times.

Just as I was thinking I must get out of the sun, a lovely breeze blew in from the sea and reminded me that sometimes relief will come in the next moment and not to be hasty about quitting or leaving a situation that is uncomfortable or difficult. When I commented on how good it felt, my waiter said, "Yeah, Mon....that is our Caribbean breeze....always refreshes".

As in most every day experiences when I am tuned in and aware, there is a lesson here for me. Today's lesson is to stay and to not give up or give in to what I perceive to be more than I can handle. Patience and a mind that does not dwell or focus on the negative can often move through that particular situation into one of greater ease, simply by allowing for a bit more time to pass and perhaps another perspective or idea to show up.

So, as I leave my air conditioned space and venture outdoors once again, I will be open to the breezes that I trust will continue to come.

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